Tips on booking Thailand hotels through phone

The area code for Thailand is 66.
If you see that the contact number provided have a 0 in front, skip it if you are calling from overseas.

for example:
Wang Noi hotel
contact: 0 7424 3384 So if you are using singtel, you call 0016674243384

Take note: Thai people do not understand Thirty First of december, you have to say three one december

Boat Lodge Hua Hin

Boat Lodge Hua Hin
84/12 Ban Huadon, Nongkae,Hua Hin, Prachuap Khiri Khan 77110 Thailand
Tel: 0 3253 7223, 08 4457 6622
Fax: 0 3252 7520
Email: Website:
Star :N/A
Accommodation :17 rooms
Room Rates :2,200 - 4,450 THB

Welcome to Boat Lodge Hua Hin

With only 3 hours drive away from Bangkok, Boat Lodge Hua Hin is an ideal place for a weekend escape from your hectic life. Situated on the gulf of Thailand, Kao Takiab Beach is only 2 minutes walk from the resort.
Boat Lodge Hua Hin provides all 17 rooms, categorized in 4 types as below.
1. Port Studio: 10 rooms
2. Boat Executive: 4 rooms
3. Lighthouse: 1 room
4. Lighthouse Family: 2 rooms